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Monday, 8 April 2019

UTERINE FIBROIDS - Homeopathy Doctor In Delhi

              Uterine Fibroids are muscular tumors that grow in the wall of the uterus (womb). Fibroids are almost always benign (not cancerous). Not all women with fibroids have symptoms. Women who do have symptoms often find fibroids hard to live with. Some patients have pain and heavy menstrual bleeding. Treatment for uterine fibroids depends on your symptoms.
             Fibroids are muscular tumors that grow in the wall of the uterus (womb). Another medical term for fibroids is leiomyoma or just "myoma". Fibroids are almost always benign (not cancerous). Fibroids can grow as a single tumor, or there can be many of them in the uterus. They can be as small as an apple seed or as big as a grapefruit. In unusual cases they can become very large.

               There are three types of fibroid growths according to the site of origin. It may be inside the uterine cavity or may be in the musculature of uterus.
  • Submucosal-  fibroids grow into the uterine cavity.
  • Intramural-    fibroids grow within the wall of the uterus.
  • Subserosal-    fibroids grow on the outside of the uterus.

                      There are factors that can increase a woman's risk of developing fibroids.
  • Age. Fibroids become more common as women age, especially during the 30s and 40s through menopause. After menopause, fibroids usually shrink.
  • Family history. Having a family member with fibroids increases your risk. If a woman's mother had fibroids, her risk of having them is about three times higher than average.
  • Ethnic origin. African-American women are more likely to develop fibroids than white women.
  • Obesity. Women who are overweight are at higher risk for fibroids. For very heavy women, the risk is two to three times greater than average.
  • Eating habits. Eating a lot of red meat (e.g., beef) and ham is linked with a higher risk of fibroids. Eating plenty of green vegetables seems to protect women from developing fibroids.

5.     SYMPTOMS-
                       Many women who have fibroids don't have any symptoms. In those that do, symptoms can be influenced by the location, size and number of fibroids. In women who have symptoms, the most common symptoms of uterine fibroids include:-
·         Heavy menstrual bleeding
·         Menstrual periods lasting more than a week
·         Pelvic pressure or pain
·         Frequent urination
·         Difficulty emptying the bladder
·         Constipation
·         Backache or leg pains.

                      Your doctor can do imaging tests to confirm that you have fibroids. These are tests that create a "picture" of the inside of your body without surgery. These tests might include:-
  • Ultrasound – Uses sound waves to produce the picture. The ultrasound probe can be placed on the abdomen or it can be placed inside the vagina to make the picture.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) – Uses magnets and radio waves to produce the picture.
  • X-rays – Uses a form of radiation to see into the body and produce the picture.
  • Computer tomography scan (CT) – Takes many X-ray pictures of the body from different angles for a more complete image.
  • Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) – An HSG involves injecting x-ray dye into the uterus and taking x-ray pictures. It involves injecting water into the uterus and making ultrasound pictures.

                              As per homoeopathic philosophy, the extra/overgrowth is comes under sycotic miasm. The word sycosis derives from the word “syco”, Greek word for fig. Sycosis is named the "fig wart disease" and is the miasm of excess.   Sycosis is derived from the disease of gonorrhea, either inherited - meaning transferred in its suppressed state down from one generation to the next or acquired.  The wart came to be seen as the underlying physical symptom of this miasm and sycosis responsible for all warty excrescences and growths. 
Ø Selecting remedies without repertorization on the basis of rare, uncommon and peculiar symptoms: This is one of the many modes of prescribing for a particular case. In this, Allen’s Keynotes are of great help. Here two or three rare, uncommon and peculiar symptoms are sufficient are enough to prescribe for a case. Here patients should verify the rare, uncommon and peculiar symptom again and again before prescribing on it.

Ø Selecting intercurrent remedies on the basis of past history of the patient.
At times it happens that a well-selected remedy after complete repertorisation fails to provide complete cure to the patient when the patient is also adhering to the diet and regime advised by us. This is because there are a few obstacles to cure. Many learned physicians have described these obstacles. In case of fibroid and ovarian cyst it is found that past history, family history and causative factors act as obstacles of cure.

§  Agnus castus
§  Fraxinus Americana
§  Janosia ashoka
§  Lilium tig.
§  Phosphorus
§  Platina
§  Pulsatilla
§  Sepia
§  Thalpsi bursa
§  Thuja occidentalis
§  Thyroidinum

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