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Showing posts with label Homeopathic Treatment of Sexual Diseases. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Homeopathic Treatment of Sexual Diseases. Show all posts

Friday, 22 June 2018

Prostate Treatment in Delhi | Prostate Doctor in Delhi | Homeopathic Treatment

What Is the Prostate?
The prostate is a small gland in males that will help make semen. Found just below the bladder in front of the anus, it wraps around the tube which carries urine and semen from the human body. It has a tendency to grow bigger as you get older. If your prostate becomes too big, it can result in numerous health problems.
Here are some examples of non-cancer prostate problems:
1. Watchful waiting, also known as active surveillance. If your symptoms aren't that bad, your physician will tell you to wait patiently to find out whether they become worse before beginning therapy. Your healthcare provider will tell you how frequently to return for a checkup.
2. Medications: - Medicines will help shrink the Prostate or loosen muscles near your prostate to alleviate symptoms.
3. Surgery:-Suggest surgery to assist with urine flow.
4. Other remedies:-These methods use various sorts of warmth to reduce additional prostate tissue.
Acute bacterial prostatitis usually begins abruptly from a bacterial disease. See your healthcare provider straight away in the event that you have fever, chills, or pain as well as prostate symptoms. Most cases can be treated with antibiotics. You could also require medicine to help with pain or distress.
Chronic bacterial prostatitis is a disease that comes this uncommon issue can be tough to take care of. At times, taking antibiotics for quite a very long time might do the job.
Is a frequent prostate issue. It can result in pain in the back, in the stomach, or in the tip of their penis. Treatment may need a mix of medications, surgery, and lifestyle modifications.
Signs of Prostate Issues
See your Physician Immediately in the Event That you have any of the symptoms:
Wish to get up several times a night to urinate
Painful ejaculation
Dribbling of urine
Like doctors who follow the"NPAT" Therapy Program for Prostatitis, which appears at a patient's whole-body health holistically, homeopathic doctors are trained to take a look at all aspects of a patient's health such as his social, physical, psychological, psychological, and spiritual wellbeing. This also assists the practitioner to determine the ideal homeopathic remedy for prostatitis that's ideal for the individual.
How Does Homeopathy Treatment for Prostatitis Work?
Homeopathic remedies include just the Basis of this Original ingredient--which means there's not any physical trace of it. Opponents of homeopathy say this doesn't work. Proponents say this critical essence is all that's necessary to do the job. Other people assert the placebo effect is the most effective component. Maybe it functions because they think it will do the job. Patients have been attracted to it since it doesn't cause the side effects associated with traditional drugs.

There are numerous homeopathic remedies for prostatitis, Such as these:
• Cure for prostate cancer, but in most cases of prostatitis it might help patients with hard bleeding or burning with urination. The identical plant, Saw palmetto, can also be utilized in much higher dosages as a natural remedy for prostatitis. As a nutritional supplement, it's been used for many years to assist men to alleviate prostate complications, including urinary pain and symptoms.
• Pulsatile is utilized for pain in the prostate following urination and sharp pains or abnormalities in the prostate region that extends to the uterus and bladder. Pulsatile is fantastic for the guy who encounters annoyance of pain in the prostate following urination. A thick, bland discharge from the penis could be present. Men that show strong general indicators of the medication can be awarded Pulsatile even if the particular symptoms don't necessarily affirm it.
• Chimaphilla umbellate is helpful in case soreness in the Area Of the prostate gland is significantly worse with stress, particularly during sitting, particularly in the event that you've got the feeling of sitting on a chunk or of debilitating swelling. Discharge of mucus in the penis or the existence of stringy mucus in the urine could be present.
• Kali chromium is great for the prostate pain that’s aggravated by walking or should you really feel as though you have to stand still for relief. Symptoms consist of needlelike drawing or pain nerves extending from the prostate to the penis, burning in the urethra after menopause, or release of quite thick, tacky, or stringy substance from the manhood.
• Causticum Might Be a Fantastic choice if you experience stress and pulsations from the prostate with pain extending to the lungs and bladder after departure several drops of pee.
• Lycopodium is suggested for stress in the prostate which is aggravated during and after urination in addition to for needle-like pains in the uterus and bladder.

• It's suggested to locate a homeopath seasoned with prostate issues. You may get in touch with the Society of Homeopaths to get titles of homeopaths locally. When fixing at home you can follow unique classes of dental therapy based on if the symptoms are severe or chronic. Ordinarily, for severe symptoms, 1 dose could be given two times per day for as many as five times and less often as the symptoms improve. For chronic cases, like CP/CPPS, 1 dose of their 30th potency daily for 5 days, or even a minimal potency twice per day for up to fourteen days.
When should you attempt another medication?
Oftentimes, if there’s not any progress after 36 to 48 hours, try out another treatment. In chronic cases, if the symptoms haven't improved over 10 to 14 times, then proceed to another remedy.
You will find other natural and other treatments for Prostatitis which you might also need to think about. Many nutritional supplements can assist with prostatitis symptoms, and a number have a good deal of research backing them up. Other holistic programs like the"NPAT" Therapy Program for Prostatitis involve many natural and other remedies such as:
1.       Natural treatments (ALCAT, elimination diets, and wheat-free diets)
2.       Phototherapy (pollen and quercetin together with probiotics)
3.       Alternative treatments (acupuncture, prostate massage, pelvic rehabilitation, and therapy)

4.       Total body (exercise, chronic stress management, lifestyle).

Wednesday, 6 June 2018

DrNavalKumar – Sinusitis, Causes, Signs & Symptoms, Homeopathic Treatment

Sinusitis is a frequent condition where the lining of the uterus becomes inflamed. It is usually brought on by a viral disease and frequently improves within a couple of weeks. The sinuses are small, air-filled cavities supporting your cheekbones and brow. The mucus produced by your own nostrils normally drains in your nose through small channels. Also called chronic rhinosinusitis, this illness interferes with drainage and causes mucus buildup. Breathing through your nose may be difficult. The area of your eyes and confront May feel bloated, and you may have facial pain or tenderness. Chronic sinusitis may be caused by an illness, by multiplying from the uterus (nasal polyps) or with a deviated nasal septum. The condition most commonly affects middle-aged and young adults, but it also can influence kids. In case you've got nasal congestion, facial pressure, cough and thick nasal discharge, you might have rhinosinusitis, commonly known as sinusitis.
Your sinuses are hollow cavities in your cheekbones, around your eyes and supporting your nose. They feature mucus, which will help to warm, moisten and filter the air that you breathe. If something blocks the mucus from draining normally, an illness can occur.
Acute Sinusitis
Acute sinusitis refers to sinusitis symptoms lasting less than four weeks. Most cases start as a common cold. Symptoms often go away in a week to ten days; however, in some people, a fungal infection develops.
Chronic Sinusitis
Chronic sinusitis also referred to as chronic rhinosinusitis, Is often diagnosed with symptoms have gone on for more than 12 weeks, despite medical therapy.
Suffer from chronic sinusitis. This is only because the airways are more likely to Become irritable when allergic rhinitis or asthma exist. Sinusitis may Also be caused by an infection, a parasite, deviated nasal septum, nasal polyps Or in rare circumstances an immune system deficiency.
Signs and symptoms
Sinusitis generally happens following an upper respiratory tract disease, like a cold. In case you've got a persistent cold and create the symptoms you might have sinusitis.
Symptoms of influenza include:
a.       A yellow or green discharge in the nose
b.      A blocked nose
c.       Pain and tenderness around your lips, forehead or eye
d.      A sinus headache
e.      Infection
f.        A diminished sense of smell
Kids with hepatitis might be irritable, breathe through their mouth, and have trouble feeding. Their address may also seem nasal (like they have a stuffy, chilly). The symptoms of influenza frequently clear up over a couple of weeks (acute sinusitis), but sometimes they could last 3 months or even longer (chronic bronchitis).
What causes sinusitis?
Into the uterus from the upper airways. Just a few cases are brought on by bacteria infecting the uterus. An infected tooth or bacterial disease also can sometimes Cause the uterus to become inflamed. It is not clear what causes sinusitis to become persistent (long-lasting), but It's Been connected with:
a.       Infection and related conditions, such as allergic rhinitis, Asthma and hay fever
b.      Nasal polyps (growths in the nose)
c.       Smoking
Making certain inherent conditions such as allergies and asthma Are well controlled can increase the symptoms of chronic bronchitis.
Homeopathic treatment for Sinusitis
Homeopathic remedy for Sinusitis is quite helpful in relieving acute in addition to chronic Sinusitis. Homeopathic remedy for Sinusitis may be blessing for everyone who are far more prone to issues from the winters and frequently develop respiratory disorders because of sensitivity to cold and allergies.

Homeopathic remedy for Sinusitis is effective and safe for both children and adults. In treating sinusitis, Homeopathy aims at strengthening the individual's constitution and preventing the underlying conditions like sensitivity to cold atmosphere and sinus allergies.
· Also homeopathic therapy for Sinusitis assists in preventing of mucus, relieving nasal congestion, reduces inflammation in the sinuses and relieves pressure and pain by clearing the disease.
· Constitutional homeopathic therapy for Sinusitis can halt the chronicity of ailments and protect against relapse of the illness. Homeopathic remedy for Sinusitis enhances the energy of the individual and eliminates the whole allergic predisposition consequently slowing recurrent diseases. During its inherent and anti-miasmatic therapy, it may radically eradicate the underlying etiology permanently.
· So timely and appropriately administered treatments in homeopathic therapy for Sinusitis help avoid the operation and its inherent complications. A Number of them are:
Silica: - it’s extremely powerful in treating therapy for Sinusitis in those that are very sensitive to the smallest sum of chill in the atmosphere and frequently develop frontal headaches or heaviness throughout the assault.
Kali Bichromicum: - it's useful in circumstances where the sparks are extremely stringy, sticky and yellow-green or if the patient complains of a continuous pain at the source of the nose in homeopathic therapy for Sinusitis.

Anxiety is worse by cold and can be relieved by hot applications.

Thursday, 12 April 2018

Best Homeopathy Doctor in Delhi | Homeopathic Doctor in Delhi

From within the kidneys and might travel down the urinary tract.  Kidney stones vary in size from only a speck to too big as a ping-pong ball.   Approximately 5 percent of individuals develop a kidney stone in the course of their life.  Kidney stones (renal lithiasis, nephrolithiasis) are tough deposits made from salts and minerals which form within your kidneys.   Many times, stones form when the urine becomes more concentrated, letting minerals to crystallize and stay together.  Passing kidney stones can be very debilitating, however, the stones generally cause no permanent damage whenever they are recognized in a timely manner.  Based upon your Form within the kidneys and might travel down the urinary tract. Kidney stones vary in size from only a speck to too big as a ping-pong ball. Approximately 5 percent of individuals develop a kidney stone in the course of their life. Kidney stones (renal lithiasis, nephrolithiasis) are tough deposits made from salts and minerals which form within your kidneys. Many times, stones form when the urine becomes more concentrated, letting minerals to crystallize and stay together. Passing kidney stones can be very debilitating, however, the stones generally cause no permanent damage whenever they are recognized in a timely manner. Based on your circumstances, you might require nothing more than to take pain medicine and drink a lot of water to pass a kidney stone. In other cases -- for instance, if stones become lodged in the urinary tract, are all correlated with a sinus disease or lead to complications -- operation might be required.
Types of kidney stones:-
Knowing the Sort of kidney stones helps ascertain the cause and can give clues about the best way best to lessen your chance of becoming more kidney stones. If at all possible, attempt to conserve your kidney stone should you pass one so you could bring it to your doctor for analysis?
Calcium stones: - Generally in the shape of calcium oxalate. Oxalate is a naturally occurring compound found in foods and can also be made daily from the liver. Some fruits and veggies, in addition to chocolate and nuts, have high oxalate content.
Magnesium stones: - can also happen in the Shape of calcium phosphate. It might also be related to specific migraine headaches or by taking particular seizure drugs, such as topiramate (Topamax).
Struvite stones: - Struvite stones form in reaction to a Disease, like a urinary tract disease. These stones may grow rapidly and become rather big, sometimes with few symptoms or small caution.
Lactic acid stones: - Uric acid stones may form in individuals who do not drink sufficient fluids or that lose too much fluid, those that consume a high-protein diet, and people who have diabetes.
Cystine stones: - These stones form individuals with a hereditary disorder which causes the kidneys to excrete a lot of particular amino acids (cystinuria).
Inside your kidney or enters your ureter -- the tube connecting the bladder and bladder. At the point, You Might experience these symptoms and signs:
1.       Intense pain in the back and side, under the ribs
2.       Pain during urination
3.       Pink, red or brownish urine
4.       Cloudy or foul-smelling pee
5.       Nausea and vomiting
6.       Continuous need to urinate
7.       Fever and chills if a disease is present
8.       Urinating small Quantities
Pain Brought on by a kidney stone can change -- for Example, Shifting to another place or increasing in strength -- as the rock moves throughout your urinary tract. The kidneys regulate amounts of fluid, salts, minerals, and other Chemicals within the body. After the equilibrium of these compounds varies, kidney stones can form. Uric acid and cystine are just two chemicals that may contain kidney stones. Factors known to increase the chance of kidney stones contain dehydration, family history, genetics, and also the existence of certain medical problems. Having one or more household members with a history of kidney stones raises the danger of the status.

How Do I Avoid Kidney Stones?
Water every day, the urine gets diluted. When urine is not as focused, it makes it increasingly challenging for stones to shape and also makes it simpler for them to maneuver.
Exercise More: - Pressure that keeps your kidneys and hearts healthy. You should particularly avoid carbonated Drinks such as soda. The quantity of sugar in one can of pop (normally around 40 g) is sufficient to disrupt the nutrient levels in our bodies, building kidney stones more likely to take place.
Get sufficient calcium: - This single vitamin is Responsible for at least 300 different biochemical reactions within the body. It simply occurs to avoid calcium from mixing with oxalate -- the most frequent kind of kidney stone. Foods high in calcium include green, avocados, leafy veggies such as Swiss chard and lettuce and pumpkin seeds.
Eat sufficient calcium: - If you do not eat enough calcium from the foods that you consume, oxalate levels begin to increase from the entire body, which may lead to kidney stones. Some calcium supplements may also lead to kidney stones, even however, so it's ideal to find the calcium from its normal form from foods.

Restrict animal protein:- It's Been proven that eating a daily diet High in animal proteins, such as meat, eggs, and fish, contributes to high amounts Animal proteins additionally lower citrate, a compound that prevents Kidney stones.

Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Best Homeopathy Doctor in India | Homeopathic Clinic in Delhi

Dr. Naval Kumar Verma MD (Hom ) Hon Advisor Homeopathy to MOS AYUSH ministry of AYUSH Government of India
This is my Honorary appointment in the ministry of AYUSH.
With Honorable MOS (I/C) AYUSH
Mr. Shripad NaikJi



Friday, 9 March 2018

Dr Naval Kumar - Best Homeopathic Doctor in Delhi for Skin

Following having a certain era, you are bound to get some outbursts on your facial skin, known as acne. No matter how much you try to avoid oily or unhealthy foods, a pimple might arrive on your pores and skin one fine morning. That is painful initially and will vanish automatically after few days just as it has arrived. And after vanishing, it will leave acne spot on the damaged area. Right now there are various kinds of alternatives available, but you have to purchase best acne treatment for teens. For that, catching up with experts is the one and only help you can test away on. You have to choose the most efficient form of patented medical product, which can help in location treatments, avoid taking in an excessive amount of pills as that can hamper the condition of your body and produce some side effects. On the other hand, the best acne functions like a bandage for the pimples and can even ensure that the spots to vanish into nothing. It might seem to be to be someone mythical at first, but once you start applying it, you can believe their presence. So, before arriving to a decision, it is about time that you can know more about its consumption.
There are various reasons behind pimple outbursts. You can always get in touch with the contaminated air, whenever you step out from your house. Even if you're staying in your place, still you cannot keep dirt and dirt from your skin. Moreover, direct connection with cosmetics can sometimes cause infection, giving rise to a pimple. To prevent any of these problems, you have to offer with the acne removing fast method, which is sure to act in your favor. It truly is more like a layer on your pimple, which will not simply prevent it from spreading but will remove the spots instantly. These types of treatments are designed to heal mature saturated places in the quickest manner possible. These methods can further calm the unsaturated spots and can even help in reducing irritation and redness. It has a thin profile associated with the package to work as acne marks prevention now. This skinny profile can certainly blend with your skin color for that ultimate coverage, you have been asking for. This package is designed to stay securely in place for that proper crease-free coverage, as and when asked for. For that reason, without wasting time, it is mandatory to be friends with the best team for quality help now.
After you have applied this treatment, you may not look for any secondary product in the market. This product is designed not merely to solve your appearance problem but can even be used for healing areas faster and never leave any future scars. That can help in bringing more confidence to those people, affected by issues with their chosen looks. It is always better to get started on this method as early as possible. Whenever the teenagers each for their breakout period, this product needs to be kept convenient for their uses.
One of the 5 best Homeopathic medicines for Acne:-
1. Pulsatilla- It is very effective in cases where the culprit is the increased intake of rich food. This may be in the form of junk food or other things like cakes, pastries and ice creams. Pulsatile is also more often indicated in girls, more so with menstrual irregularities. The patient is usually sensitive to heat and all troubles get aggravated in summers.
2. Hepar Sulphur- In cases where the eruptions are painful and more in the form of boils or abscesses, Hepar Sulphur is one of the best homeopathic medicines for acne. The patient is quite sensitive to cold as well as pain. There is increased perspiration. The mental symptoms are also quite useful to indicate the remedy and are more common in the nature of anger and irritability at the slightest cause.
3. Silicea- Now I am discussing the Homeopathic remedies for Pimples or Acne with suppuration. In cases where suppuration or pus formation is the norm, Silicea is one of the best homeopathic remedies for acne. There is the formation of pus in the pimples and this pus tends to be offensive. The patient tends to be worse in cold and cannot tolerate cold in any form. The skin troubles to tend to be worse in winters.
4. Natrum Mur- In situations that result from the increased secretion of natural oils or oil, Natrum Muret is among the finest homeopathic medications for acne. The face remains oily and fried. The patient is usually thin and weak. This individual feels and looks exhausted even after eating well. Anemia is a repeated concomitant. Sun and temperature aggravate all the symptoms. The patient is usually partial to eating salty food or tends to add more and more sodium to his normal food.

5. Nux Vomica- This place is last and more effective homeopathic medicines for Acne pimples or pimples with digestive, gastrointestinal disturbances. In these circumstances where acne may have resulted from or is accompanied by gastric disruptions, Nux Vom is among the finest homeopathic medicines for acne. The skin is red and blotchy in appearance. The individual is usually fond of tea, coffee, and other stimulants. Excess of hot and spicy food and stimulants may have caused some digestive, gastrointestinal derangements. Constipation is usually present and various other symptoms. Generally, there is increased sensitivity to cold. The temperament is such that he gets angered and irritated easily.

Tuesday, 27 February 2018

Dr Naval Kumar - Best Homeopathy Doctor in India

May the shines of this Holi brighten your path towards progress and continued success. Happy Holi!


Thursday, 22 February 2018

Dr Naval Kumar - Top 10 Health Issues Indian Women Should Know About

1. Cancer of the breast:
Otherwise known as the C word. The occurrence of cancer in Indian women is now progressively prevalent. According to a recent report by the earth Health Organization, one in twelve women will develop cancer sooner or later in their life. This disease will especially be uncontrolled in metro cities such as Mumbai and Delhi. Each person is decided to have a cancerous tumor or the analysis of cancer of the breast, the healthcare team will determine the level to communicate how much the disease has grown.
Why is the malignancy of the breast level important?
Determining the level helps determine the easiest method to contain and eliminate the cancers of the breast.
Just how is the stage established?
1. The stage is based on the next factors:
Installment payments on your the size of the tumor within the breast
3. The number of lymph nodes affected
4. The nearest lymph nodes are normally found under the arm, referenced to as axillary area
Signs indicating whether or not the breast malignancy has invaded other body organs within your body
If breasts cancer has spread or metastasized, evidence be may found in the bone, liver, lungs, or brain.
2. Installment payments on your Heart diseases:
Though malignancy of the breast takes up the number one location on this list, cardiovascular diseases to be major concerns for ladies globally. Though the probability of center diseases is more in males, a number of women are increasingly being diagnosed with a weakened heart. Counter the probabilities by following a healthy diet from an early age group, a non-smoking lifestyle, and daily checkups.
Facts on Ladies and Heart Disease
Heart disease is the leading source of death for women in the Combined States, killing 289, 758 women in 2013--that's about 1 in each and every 4 girl deaths.
Although cardiovascular disease is sometimes looked at as a "man's disease, inch around the same amount of males and females die each year of heart problems in the United States. In spite of increases in awareness over the past decade, only 54% of women acknowledge that heart problems is their amount 1 killer. 2
Cardiovascular system disease is the leading reason behind death for Photography equipment American and white women in the United Areas. Among Hispanic women, cardiovascular system disease and cancer cause roughly the same amount of deaths annually. To get American Indian or Ak Native and Asian or Pacific Islander women, center disease is second just to cancer. 3
About 5. 8% of all white women, 7. 6% of black women, and 5. 6% of Mexican American women have coronary cardiovascular system disease. 4
Almost two-thirds (64%) of women who die suddenly of cardiovascular system disease have no past symptoms. 4 Even if you have no symptoms, you might still be at risk for heart problems.
3. Maternal Health:
Within a country like India, where maternal care is merely reaching due notice, the dangers of infection and complications pre and post being pregnant are high. Maternal treatment involves healthy living during the complete nine months of pregnancy. In smaller neighborhoods and villages, more women die of insufficient health care during pregnancy than some other diseases. Luckily, with more medical centers beginning in such disease-prone areas, and with growing understanding about maternal health, this number is much less scary than it was obviously a decade before.
4. Depression and Mental Health:
Mental illness is associated with a significant burden of morbidity and disability. Lifetime prevalence rates for any sort of psychological disorder are higher than recently thought, are increasing in recent cohorts and influence practically half the inhabitants. Despite being common, mental illness is underdiagnosed by doctors. Less than 1 / 2 of people who meet classification standards for psychological disorders are discovered by general practitioners. Patients, too, appear unwilling to get professional help. Simply 2 in each and every 5 people experiencing a mood, panic or substance use disorder seeking assistance in the year of the start the disorder. Studies promise that more women go through from issues of mental health than men. Mental health includes depression, stress, insomnia, hypertension and de and problems. Studies claim that depression may hit women post-pregnancy, due to some major life tragedy, and during menopause. Therapy and pushing you to ultimately live a positive, healthy lifestyle is the solution.
5. Intimately Transmitted Diseases/HIV:
Living healthy with HIV includes stopping other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). An STD is an infection that's handed for every person through sexual contact. HIV is an example of an STD. Conditions such as AIDS, syphilis, gonorrhea are all sent during the act of sex. Unfortunately, women keep the brunt of these diseases more than men. These diseases; especially HIV, raise the probability of contracting tuberculosis, and reduce life duration.
Other types of Sexually transmitted diseases include:
1. Chlamydia,
2. Genital herpes,
3. Gonorrhea,
4. Hepatitis N and C,
5. Man papillomavirus (HPV)
6. Syphilis.
6. Diabetes:
Diabetes is a disease in which the level of sugar (sugar) in the bloodstream is actually high. A high glucose level for several years can destroy the tissues and fabric of the penis triggering diabetic impotence or diabetic erectile dysfunction. This disease, again though more frequent in men, sometimes should go undiagnosed in women. This kind of is more cause for concern. Diabetes; especially type 2, is seen more in women who follow an unhealthy lifestyle. Type 2 is caused by obesity, weight issues, smoking, alcohol abuse, among other things.
How can diabetes have an effect on erection problems?
Diabetes can damage the nerves, lovemaking tissue and small arteries in the penis.
This kind of damage can bring about the following complications:
- Harm to the erectile muscle will not allow the muscle fibers of the penis to unwind properly.
- Nerve damage can bring about fewer penile sounds and less signaling to it from the brain so that it is harder to get and keep an erection.
- Damage to blood boats will also stop the lovemaking tissue from filling with blood.
 7. Anaemia:
With reduced Red blood, low levels of hemoglobin and low oxygen in your blood, chances of you being anemic are more. The most common myth about anemia is that it makes you anorexic and thin. On the other hand, this myth must be busted. If you're frail, you may look like a correctly healthy woman, still feeling tired all the time. This is anticipated to low oxygen in your blood.
8. Autoimmune Diseases:
An autoimmune disorder is a condition in which your immune system mistakenly attacks the body. The immune system normally protects against germs like bacterias and viruses. Because it gets a gut feeling these foreign invaders, it sends out military services of fighter cells to attack them. Normally, the immune system will be able to tell the difference between foreign skin cells and your own cellular material. Within an autoimmune disease, the immune system errors part of your body -- the joints or skin -- as overseas. It releases proteins called autoantibodies that attack healthy cells.
9. Vaginal Attacks:
Most women have recently been there. You're distracted and squirming on your couch because it doesn't feel down there. Perhaps will be certainly a smell that's a little, well, funkier, than usual. You want to do something to make it stop, now. Though it can be very uncomfortable, it's not the conclusion of the world. You could have a disease caused by bacteria, candida, or viruses. Chemicals in soaps, sprays, or even clothing that come in contact with this area could be irritating the delicate skin and flesh.
10. Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS):

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a blend of symptoms that many women get about a week or maybe more before their period. Many women, over 90%, say they get some premenstrual symptoms, such as bloating, headaches, and moodiness. To get some women, these symptoms may be so severe that they miss work or school, but other women are not troubled by milder symptoms. Usually, women in their 30s are most likely to have PMS. Your physician can help you find ways to alleviate your symptoms.

Tuesday, 28 November 2017

Vitiligo – Symtoms, Causes, Complications, Treatment

Vitiligo is a disease that causes the loss of skin color in blotches. The extent &rate of color loss from vitiligo sun predictable. It can affect the skin on any part of your body. It may also affect hair & the inside of the mouth. Normally, the color of hair & skin is determined by melanin. Vitiligo occurs when the cells that produce melanin die or stop functioning. Vitiligo affects people of all skin types, but it may be more noticeable in people with darker skin. The condition is not life-threatening or contagious. It can be stressful or make you feel bad about yourself. Treatment for vitiligo may restore the color of the affected skin. But it doesn't prevent continuous loss of skin color or is an occurrence.

-Patchy loss of skin color.
-Premature whitening or greying of the hair on your scalp, eyelashes or beard.
-Loss of color in the tissues that line the inside of your mouth and nose (mucous membrane).
-Loss of or change in color of the inner layer of the eyeball (retina) CAUSES         
-The ad is order in which your immune system attacks and destroys the melanocytes in the skin.
-Family history (heredity)
-A trigger event such as sunburn, stress or exposure to industrial chemicals.
People with vitiligo may be at increased risk of:
-Social or psychological distress unburn & skin cancer
– Eye problems, such as inflammation of their eyes.
-Hearing loss
Potential Future Treatment's
-A drug to stimulate color producing cells (melanocytes)
-A drug that helps to control melanocytes
-A drug that reverses loss of color
-Protect your skin from sun & artificial sources of UV light.
-Conceal affected skin
-Don't get a tattoo

Coping & Support
-Make a good connection
-Learn all about it
-Talk with others
-Confide in loved ones.

For Further details you can contact on +919999367159, 025410265, and 025172076 or visit us-Dr Navel’s Homoeo and Research Centre.J-13/ 34 Patel Market. Rajouri Garden. Near Indian Bank. New Delhi or visit our website-

Monday, 27 November 2017

Prostate Cancer Medications Treatment | Prostate Treatment in Delhi

International Men's Day (IMD) is an annual international event celebrated on 19 November. Inaugurated in 1992 on 7 February by Thomas Oaster. The project of International Men's Day was conceived one year earlier on 8 February 1991. The project ware – initialized in 1999 in Trinidad and Tobago.
Prostate cancer is second most diagnosed men cancer in the world, every year more than 30,000 patient in the US Adie because of it, In UAE cancer is the third cause of men death after cardiovascular diseases and accidents. Also, Prostate cancer is second cause of men dying from cancer in UAE. It was observed during a study by Department of urology Ministry of Health UAE, that men in UAE were diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer this study revealed that majority of patients were diagnosed between the manage 51 to 60 years of age. The Major concern is the mean lower age of developing cancer in the United Arab Emirates in compare to various other countries of world example in India highest incidence is between age of 70 and 75 and also in the USA and the Second concern is non availability of authentic preventive guidelines Third is wellness and preventive departments have not equipped with complete facilities they are just information centers for example if someone wants to do proper exercises no exact exercises guidelines are there, if you want to leave smoking no courses are available just counseling departments are enough No authentic preventive guideline available which can prevent Prostate troubles like Prostatitis, Benign Prostatic hyperplasia, and cancer of prostate.
The treatment itself sometimes causes serious side effects like impotence and urinary incontinence and also drug-resistant prostate cancer, after seeing its morbidity, there was a need for effective research for a breakthrough in its prevention and treatment. Most of the literature was collected from reliable sources, the manuscript of ancient Indian methodology of health, Yoga, Nature cure, with the comparative study, is made with the observation of Dr. Hahnemann’s Organ on of medicine. A unique new method invented" 10 step Prostate health programmer". This holistic formula is being observed in patients with various prostate problems found to be clinically effective. This method covers safe food and health guidelines, its environment-friendly innovative and most of the health guidelines of the world are covered and the patient gets complete information lifestyle, environment, diet, hygiene the effects of various health aspects on prostate health. Although various guidelines are common to many health formulae which can prevent millions of men from prostate cancer and to the related disorders.

For further information, you can call on 011-25410265, 011-2517076, 09999367159 or visit our clinic Dr. Navel’s Homoeo Clinic and Research Centre: J-13/34 Patel Market. Rajouri Garden New Delhi. Or you can visit our website:

Friday, 24 November 2017


A lot is usually said about the funny little questions that homoeopaths often ask. Speaking from a patient's point of view, frankly a lot many questions do sound too strange. But the truth is that asking too many questions shows a lot of MEDICAL WISDOM. It certainly helps in deciding the line of treatment.
Let us for a while consider a hypothetical situation where you have a chronic skin & a nasal allergy & you visit a homoeopath for its treatment & a physician starts asking about your nightmares or your response to anger etc..
Recent researchers suggest that the human body stands as a single entity with the mind & body as an individual continuum & the old concept of mind-body dualism seems more obsolete than ever. A whole new range of diseases called psychosomatic disease that has been identified in the last few decades.
Homoeopathy has always looked at this broad parameter to treat the sick, & even though it has an unconventional outlook it surely is a science that tries to understand you at the deepest level.
Understanding the holistic concepts of health can help you in overcoming many chronic disorders like allergies.
WORK TOGETHERHomeopaths always require a close cooperation from their patients. The more information you give to your physician about the chances of your disorder is cured.ALLINTHEFAMILY
Medical history of your family’s equally important & in some chronic disorder sit can form the basis for prescription in homoeopathy. Also, today if you are what your grandparents are & how they exercised, your generation stood pend upon how you lead your life. So improve your
For further information, you can visit our website:
Or visit us at J-13/34PatelMarketRajourigarden.NewDelhi-


Thursday, 23 November 2017

Sexual Dysfunction in Men - Men Sexuality | Women Sexuality

Diabetes is a disease in which the level of glucose (sugar) in the blood is too high. A high glucose level for several years can damage the tissues and fibers of the penis causing diabetic impotence or diabetic erectile dysfunction.
How does diabetes affect erection problems?
Diabetes can damage the nerves, erectile tissue and small blood vessels in the penis.
This damage can result in the following complications:
• Damage to the erectile tissue will not allow the muscle fibers of the penis to relax properly.
• Nerve damage can result in fewer penile sensations and less signaling to it from the brain, making it harder to get and maintain an erection.
• Damage to the blood vessels will also prevent the erectile tissue from filling with blood.
Anyone who has diabetic impotence and feels it is the cause of problems in their sex life should talk about it with their doctor. The doctor can check for changes in the arteries or nervous system. Sometimes these aspects need special attention for themselves. The doctor can also check if any medication you are taking contributes to erectile dysfunction.

Fortunately, the treatment for erectile dysfunction in diabetes has improved considerably. Often the first step - recognizing the problem - is the biggest obstacle. Once you have passed, and with the help and support of your partner and the doctor, you can begin the treatment.
What treatments are available?

 The vast majority of treatments are available today which are effective in men with diabetes. It is about finding the right one for you. Oral medications are often used as the first line of treatment (different treatment options with different duration of action and some daily treatment), taking into account other treatment options if these do not work for the best treatment. For more detail contact us at + 91-9999367159 or visit

Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Prostate Treatment in Delhi | Best Prostate Cancer Treatment Centers

Prostate cancer is second most diagnosed men cancer in the world, every year more than 30,000 patient in the USA die because of it, in UAE cancer is the third cause of men death after cardiovascular diseases and accidents. Also, Prostate cancer is second cause of men dying from cancer in UAE. It was observed during a study by Department of urology Ministry of Health UAE, that men in UAE were diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer this study revealed that majority of patients were diagnosed between the mean age 51 to 60 years of age. The Major concern is the mean lower age of developing cancer in the United Arab Emirates in compare to various other countries of world example in India highest incidence is between age of 70 and 75 and also in USA And the Second concern is non availability of authentic preventive guidelines Third is wellness and preventive departments have not equipped with complete facilities they are just information centers for example if someone wants to do proper exercises no exact exercises guidelines are there, if you want to leave smoking no courses are available just counseling departments are enough No authentic preventive guideline available which can prevent Prostate troubles like Prostatitis, Benign Prostatic hyperplasia, and cancer of prostate.

The treatment itself sometimes causes serious side effects like impotence and urinary incontinence and also drug-resistant prostate cancer, after seeing its morbidity, there was a need for effective research for a breakthrough in its prevention and treatment. Most of the literature was collected from reliable sources, the manuscript of ancient Indian methodology of health, Yoga, Nature cure, with the comparative study is made with the observation of Dr. Hahnemann’s Organ on of medicine. A unique new method invented “ten step prostate health program” This holistic formula is being observed in patients with various prostate problems found to be clinically effective. This method covers safe food and health guidelines, it's environment-friendly, innovative, and most of the health guidelines of the world are covered and the patient gets complete information about lifestyle, environment, diet, Hygiene, the effect of various health aspect on prostate health. Although various guidelines are common to many health regulatory agencies it has a unique preventive formula which can prevent millions of men from Prostate cancer and other related disorders. For more detail contact us at + 91-9999367159 or visit 

Thursday, 9 November 2017

Sex problems | sexual dysfunction in men – Premature ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is the most frequent sexual problem in men; however, very few confess it to the doctor. Big mistake, because with the help of a professional premature ejaculation has a solution.    
What is a premature ejaculation?
Premature ejaculation is sudden, the uncontrollable expulsion of semen before the time desired by the man who is unable to control the ejaculatory reflex. It is accepted as premature ejaculation when ejaculation occurs before or immediately after penetration.
This sexual dysfunction is more common in men, affecting regularly almost 30% of men, and at least 70% have had an episode of premature ejaculation throughout his life. It can appear at any age. Usually, it is consulted less frequently than erectile dysfunction, though it is more prevalent than premature ejaculation.
It is not a serious problem for the health of a man and is not usually caused by a physical complication. However, it should be treated to avoid psychological problems that may alter the emotional stability of the patient or his relationship. It can even be a cause of infertility in couples if the male partner fails to ejaculate inside the vagina every time.
Classification of premature ejaculation
Premature ejaculation is classified into:
• Primary
• Secondary
Primary premature ejaculation: The dysfunction is maintained since adolescence and the male has never had a relationship with a partner in which he has been able to control the ejaculatory reflex. Primary premature ejaculation is associated with masturbation practiced improperly which could be attributed to the rush the teen has given by climaxing in many cases due to lack of privacy or feelings of guilt.
Secondary premature ejaculation: It affects those men who had resisted sexual intercourse for a while but later lost it for some reason, usually related to emotional problems, stress, prolonged sexual inactivity, or a new partner that causes them anxiety or a high degree of sexual excitement.
There are also varying degrees depending on the severity of the case:
Grade 1: This degree is the least severe and easier to correct. It is associated with anxiety and a very stressful lifestyle. These are men who previously had good control over their ejaculation.
Grade 2:  It develops when grade 1 is exceeded, and premature ejaculation becomes chronic. It can be treated with the help of a professional through sexual therapy.
Grade 3: It occurs when grade 2 is extended too in time. Ejaculation occurs before or at the beginning of penetration, and men who suffer from this degree are often severely affected psychologically.
Grade 4: In this last step, premature ejaculation becomes a chronic disorder that affects all aspect of patient's life. Pharmacological treatment is necessary.
Some more recent classifications distinguishing the following types:
Permanent premature ejaculation: It happens in less than 1 minute of penetration, and is usually genetic.
Acquired premature ejaculation: It is usually the somatic or psychological cause.
Variable natural premature ejaculation: It is not constant, but occurs in some specific situations, and is considered a normal variant.
Premature ejaculatory dysfunction: are normal ejaculatory as to time, but person ejaculate earlier than desired time.

The sexual problem can cause great distress for a person and have a negative impact on one’s relationship. If you are a victim of any such sexual function problem, share your concern with your partner and health care provider. We offer the best treatment for a common sexual problem like erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, urinary problem, loss of libido (loss of sexual desire), infertility, etc. We encourage both men and women to come forward and seek treatment. For more detail contact us at + 91-9999367159 or visit

Friday, 27 October 2017

Best Doctor for Frozen Shoulder in Delhi – Dr. Naval Kumar

Frozen shoulder is the common name for adhesive capsulitis, that may be a shoulder condition that limits your vary of motion. Once the tissues in your styloid joint become thicker and tighter, connective tissue develops over time. As a result, your styloid joint doesn’t have enough house to rotate properly. Common symptoms embody swelling, pain, and stiffness. You’re additional probably to own the condition if you’re between the ages of forty and sixty. The term "frozen shoulder" is usually used incorrectly for inflammatory disease, however, these 2 conditions are unrelated. Frozen shoulder refers specifically to the styloid joint, whereas inflammatory disease might seek advice from alternative or multiple joints.

What are the Symptoms of a Frozen Shoulder?
You become conscious of a frozen shoulder once it begins to harm. The pain then causes you to limit your movement. Moving the shoulder less and fewer will increase its stiffness. Presently, you discover that you just can’t move your shoulder as you once did. Reaching for Associate in a Nursing item on a high shelf becomes troublesome, if not possible. Once it’s severe, you would possibly not be ready to do everyday tasks that involve shoulder movement like dressing.

Frozen Shoulder Treatment:-
Over-the-counter pain relievers, like painkiller and NSAID (Advil, Motrin IB, others), will facilitate scale back pain and inflammation related to frozen shoulder. In some cases, your doctor might order stronger pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory medication.

A healer will teach you range-of-motion exercises to assist recover the maximum amount quality in your shoulder as potential. Your commitment to doing these exercises is very important to optimize recovery of your quality.

Shoulder exercises:
If you've got a frozen shoulder, it is vital to stay your styloid joint mobile with regular, mild stretching exercises. Not victimization your shoulder might create the stiffness worse, therefore you ought to still use it as traditional. However, if your shoulder is extremely stiff, exercise could also be painful. Your Dr. or physical therapist will offer you some straightforward exercises to try to on a daily basis reception that will not injure your shoulder any longer.

Shoulder arthroscopy:

A minimally invasive form of surgery employed in a little share of cases. A little Associate in Nursing medical instrument, or tube, is inserted through a little incision into the styloid joint to get rid of any connective tissue or adhesions. For more detail contact us at + 91-9999367159 or visit